A Wicked Camper Van!
Campervans are vehicles of choice for travellers here, This one is from a company called Wicked Campervans, Typical Camper van contains the following equipment .
Its just like the Recreational vehicles in the US , just a tad too small :-) can be really very useful if you plan ot stay on the road for a month or so. Forget hotel bookings , reservations, just drive park and enjoy.
Wouldn't it make more sense to link to http://www.wickedcampers.com.au/features.asp instead of a different companies feature page?
Well thanks for that Mr/ Ms Anonymous.
Well I wasn't trying to advertise Wicked Campervans there:-)
And pls re-read my sentence, my sentence read >>> A typical Campervan contains .....
So it was not specifically about Wicked.
GUYs Beware of these People the "WICKED CAMPERVANS"
Becasue the are really WICKED>
See this >>
I wonder how long it will be before companies like this go bankrupt.
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