The Pajero belongs to Mr Mark Mc Millan , who is a school teacher and kindly offered to take me ona tour around the Countryside.
It was quite a ride , though we didn't have to engage the 4WD, nevertheless was a good ride. and Now I that I have tasted blood having gone on a ride on a 4WD, just waiting for some real action.
Its in times like this that I miss my bike,, well travelling on rough roads is infinitely more pleasurable on a bike than it can ever be in a car. I know many would disagree, but hell this is my blog:-) this is just what I feel.
"Travelling in a car is like watching a movie pass through your windscreens , travelling on a bike is like BEING IN THE MOVIE. " from the book Zen and the art of Motorcycle maintenance.
Feel free to comment if you disagree:-)

Having said that I my next vehicle is a CAR / 4WD not a bike, in AUS its pretty risky to ride. and Bikes are prohibitively expensive.
Sooner or later The Red Bull will be here in Australia I can imagine myself riding the Bullet across the Australian Countryside .
well dont think u'll look funny ridin ur bullt on the streets of sydney,
take care though
well dont think u'll look funny ridin ur bullt on the streets of sydney,
take care though
Regarding the observation that riding in a car is like watching a movie while being on a bike is like being in the movie....if I am not mistaken, that was taken rather directly from a book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. If that is true, it may be appropriate to cite the source. Cheers.
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