The following few pics are from Rockhampton(Biloela) where I had been on a short assignment teaching CATIA to a few students.
The Pajero belongs to Mr Mark Mc Millan , who is a school teacher and kindly offered to take me ona tour around the Countryside.
It was quite a ride , though we didn't have to engage the 4WD, nevertheless was a good ride. and Now I that I have tasted blood having gone on a ride on a 4WD, just waiting for some real action.
Its in times like this that I miss my bike,, well travelling on rough roads is infinitely more pleasurable on a bike than it can ever be in a car. I know many would disagree, but hell this is my blog:-) this is just what I feel.
"Travelling in a car is like watching a movie pass through your windscreens , travelling on a bike is like
BEING IN THE MOVIE. " from the book Zen and the art of Motorcycle maintenance.
Feel free to comment if you disagree:-)

Having said that I my next vehicle is a CAR / 4WD not a bike, in AUS its pretty risky to ride. and Bikes are prohibitively expensive.
Sooner or later The Red Bull will be here in Australia I can imagine myself riding the Bullet across the Australian Countryside .